
I see a soul in every little thing and i try to make it mine through an emotion
those are the small things that make me happy
that is the overwhelming that makes me die that is me,

Last night I had a very vivid dream.
It was dusk, almost night.
I exit from a house, it is probably a residential area in England or Germany. Quite Anglo Saxon.
Then I see this girl wearing acid green in various shades head to toe.
She’s wearing a cowboy hat in green, and everything else also green.
It can be vintage but I think it is very modern.
She’s ready to go somewhere.
In the dream I’m jealous because I don’t have a car and currently we can’t go much outside or somewhere.
Currently means more than a year.
She is approaching her car which is a pastel green Maggiolone (Italian but could be also Volkswagen) and I’m so stunned by the beauty of it all.
Around her and her car she’s about to reach her destination with, brick houses almost in total dark and some street lamps.


I see a soul in every little thing and i try to make it mine through an emotion those are the small things that make me happy that is the overwhelming that makes me die that is me, simply

Il sud del mio paese come un incanto
Così bello e luminoso che mi pare finto
Più sfarzoso del sogno
Ed inaspettato della fantasia
Così mi immagino tutti i sud che ci sono
Tutti quelli che non saranno mai
E noi tutti, nord e sud, che li guardiamo con gli occhi di un bambino

Il sud del mio paese come un incanto
Così bello e luminoso che mi pare finto
Più sfarzoso del sogno
Ed inaspettato della fantasia
Così mi immagino tutti i sud che ci sono
Tutti quelli che non saranno mai
E noi tutti, nord e sud, che li guardiamo con gli occhi di un bambino